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Best PracticesSourcing & Outreach

Candidate sourcing made simple

Allison Rona

Allison Rona


Posted on

February 24, 2022

With over 4 million Americans leaving their jobs almost every month of 2021, recruiting teams have larger-than-ever hiring goals to hit. The sheer volume of the “Great Resignation” has made it increasingly difficult to fill pipelines with referrals and organic applications alone. Since ads or job boards don’t always bring in candidates with the best qualifications, sourcers and recruiters need to find qualified talent to fill their pipelines and hit their hiring goals—and fast. 

Put simply, organizations need to source to find talent

Chances are you’ve come across a profile or resume and thought, “wow, this person would be great for my organization.” Even if that candidate is currently employed or you don’t have a current role for them, you’ve found an ideal candidate with the right skills and experience. Creating a pipeline of ideal candidates helps quickly fill current and future openings. It also keeps track of all that talent so you don’t have to “find” them again. With only 30% of the global workforce actively looking for roles, sourcing proactively brings in the remaining 70% of passive candidates into your pipeline. 

Even if your organization doesn’t have dedicated sourcers and gets enough inbound applications, you should consider making sourcing part of your recruiting strategy. Sourcing passive talent not only leads to a healthy pipeline, it also lessens time-to-hire. A sourced candidate is 4–5x more likely to be hired than an inbound candidate. You’ve pulled them into your pipeline because they have the requisite skills, experience, and anything else your organization values, so it’s natural that they would reach the hiring phase more often than non-sourced applicants. 

But, where do you go to source talent?

A good rule of thumb is to consider your goals before beginning to source. Does your organization prioritize diversity goals and initiatives? How about hiring needs outside of the U.S.? While LinkedIn may be one the first places to turn to, it’s certainly not the only place and may not even be the best place to find your ideal candidates.  

Recruiters have been using Gem to source on LinkedIn for years, especially since it auto-captures candidates’ information directly, saving sourcers and recruiters hours of manual labor for each of their searches. But to help sourcers, recruiters, and organizations as a whole hit their sourcing goals, we knew we needed to expand beyond LinkedIn. Using the Chrome extension, you can source not only from LinkedIn, but also from Facebook, Github, SeekOut, Twitter, Workday, and now Indeed. It’s easier than ever to find and build a pipeline of your ideal candidates—whether that’s to increase your diversity goals, find candidates for your new international hub, or hire non-tech talent.

The Indeed integration with Gem is new, announced in our December product update. With this integration, you can find and message any candidate on Indeed just as you would with LinkedIn. As soon as you message a person on Indeed, Gem will automatically add that person to Gem along with their first and last name, title and all historical work experience, and education history. Plus, when you message and add candidates to Gem from Indeed, all interactions sync back into the candidate’s activity feed. Every member of your recruiting team will have visibility into the activity feed. Say goodbye to siloed conversations, and hello to visibility and collaboration. ‍‍

add candidates from Indeed

What about talent you’ve already sourced and even interviewed?

The recruiters across your organization have interviewed a host of candidates over the years, and not everyone has been offered a role. You have an entire pool of “silver medalists” who you or your colleagues have already cultivated a relationship with and who may be interested in a new role. If you forget about these candidates, you’re forgetting about “warm leads” who may be perfect for a new role that just opened up.

How often do you re-engage these silver medalists in the hunt to fill your current pipeline with ideal candidates? If you’re like most recruiters the answer is “not often,” but that’s because it hasn’t always been easy.In January, we announced the launch of Candidate Rediscovery, which helps recruiting teams source talent from their current talent database instead of starting from scratch. Start by searching across your ATS and CRM profiles to find ideal candidates from within your silver medalist pool. Filter by required criteria such as stage reached, rejection reason, source, DEI attributes, or interview feedback. Make Candidate Rediscovery part of your overall sourcing strategy to expand your talent pool even further. ‍‍

candidate rediscovery

With Gem, you can source talent from almost anywhere, including Indeed, your ATS, and your CRM. Find out how Gem can become your recruiting team’s central hub.


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