Talent 360 Profile

Get a complete view of your candidate

Gem captures everything about your candidates from the ATS, LinkedIn, email, and more – so you can personalize the recruiting experience.

Talent 360 Hero

Unlock the power of Gem Talent 360

More context

Get a complete understanding of your relationship so you can send the right message at the right time.

Less juggling

Visualize past communications, applications, scorecards, and more in one place for less context-switching.

End-to-end analytics

Visualize the entire recruiting funnel and slice and dice your data with custom visualizations, filters, and drill-downs.

Get a holistic view of every candidate

Stitch together every candidate’s career path from LinkedIn, Indeed, the ATS and more so you understand every applicant's qualifications and experiences.

Complete history of candidates and prospects

Track all interactions in one place

Visualize touch points from email, InMail, and the ATS in one comprehensive profile.

Recent interactions and previous relationships on Gem extension

Get up to speed wherever you are

Whether you're looking at a candidate in your ATS, email, or LinkedIn, the Gem extension will all surface recent touch points so you have all the context you need.

Gem for Staffing

Trust the data you see

Gem automatically refreshes profiles with recent milestones and career changes, so you’re always up-to-date.

Candidate Profile Timeline

“With Gem, our sourcers can immediately see the whole history of that person’s interactions with our team... [That visibility] not only tells them who they can reach out to, it also gives context to their outreach.”

Jay Patel | Lyft
Jay PatelFormer Technical Sourcing Manager at Lyft
Lyft | Customer Logo

“The integration between our ATS and Gem is huge, it’s number one. This is the first recruiting tool I’ve worked with with such a magical ATS integration. I don’t know what magic Gem’s engineering team is working with, but it’s what made the choice so easy for us at Cisco Meraki.”

Dai Marie Strong
Dai StrongGlobal Head of Talent Acquisition Operations & Emerging Talent
Cisco Meraki | Customer Logo

“Without Gem, I had to go look in four different places to piece together a story. That’s the thing about tool consolidation—if you have to do that, it’s time wasted.”

Sammy Reardon | One Medical
Sammy ReardonSenior Director of Recruiting
One Medical