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Gem Product Update: January 2021

Ann Samuelson

Ann Samuelson

Product Manager

Posted on

February 1, 2021

We made it to 2021! Don’t ask me how, but we’re here. We have some exciting updates we wanted to share that were shipped in January: source from Hiretual, new projects page and organization, save to PDF in Pipeline Analytics, email throttling, and data refresh. You can always stay up to date with our Changelog in the app.

Source from Hiretual using the Gem Extension

We recently released the ability to source from SeekOut using the Gem extension, and now you can do the same on Hiretual! On Hiretual, click the Gem extension icon in the upper right of your Chrome window to pop it open. Once you add a prospect to Gem, we’ll automatically parse their profile info, check for existing duplicates, and find email addresses for them so you can sequence them and upload to your ATS without leaving the page:

Gem Product Update- January 2021 (1)

New Projects page and Project Organization

All projects now show up in a single view on the Projects page. Switch between My Projects, All Projects, Shared with me, and Archived. Use project fields to keep your team organized, and apply filters and adjust columns to make your view work for you:

Gem Product Update- January 2021 (2)

Pipeline Analytics: Save to PDF

If you're someone who likes to take screenshots of Pipeline Analytics, now you can save the whole page as a pdf -- chart and table included!

Use Chrome's normal printing functionality, so go to:

File -> Print-> Destination: "Save as PDF”:

Gem Product Update- January 2021 (3)

Email Controls

Team admins now have the ability to throttle the number of emails sent out per user, per day and per minute, as well as number of emails received by a prospect. Contact your CSM if you are interested in turning on Email throttling:

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Data Refresh

Gem can automatically update all of the person records in your CRM every 30 days. Reuse old Projects to instantly create pipeline for new roles, search through your database to re-sequence old Prospects with confidence, and nurture talent pools with precision and confidence. Contact your CSM for more information.


Stay up to date with our new releases by visiting our Changelog. You can access it anytime by going to your account menu in Gem:

Gem Product Update- January 2021 (5)

Please let us know any feedback or feature requests by contacting your CSM!

Thanks for reading, and talk soon!

Gem Product Update- Autumn 2020 Edition (4)

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