For most organizations, comparing recruiting KPIs against competitors has often been a challenge. Talent teams usually rely on word-of-mouth, ping random Slack communities, or hope to find a reliable benchmark report that has the specific metrics and segments they’re looking for. In fact, our customers often asked us, “What does good look like? How are your other customers doing in comparison to us?”
Fortunately for our customers, Gem’s peer benchmarks are now available to all Talent Compass customers. With this update, our customers can review their recruitment metrics side-by-side with comparable benchmarks, right within their dashboard.
What benchmarks are available?
Since launching our first iteration in March 2022, our benchmarks have received a couple of notable updates. Here’s what we can now benchmark on Gem.
Offer Accept Rate
Time to Hire
Pipeline Diversity (read more about it here)
Time in Stage (new!)
Passthrough Rates for adjacent stages (new!)
With these benchmarks, our customers can compare their teams’ performance in 3 different formats: average, median, and percentile. Knowing that our customers want apples-to-apples comparisons, our benchmarks can be segmented across 6 different filters:
Company Size
Industry (new!)
All told, there are 1,000+ unique combinations, empowering our customers to truly understand what good looks like, and how they compare. As we continue to invest in these capabilities, we will have more metrics and more slices available.
How is Gem able to offer this data?
With access to a rich database of 1,000+ organizations across industries and segments, Gem is uniquely positioned to offer anonymized, competitive benchmarks for a number of key metrics. In fact, every benchmark is based on over 100 data points across 20+ companies. Since Gem’s customers are typically hyper-growth companies, these benchmarks give users insights into how they fare against some of the best recruiting organizations in the world.
What additional benchmarks are on the horizon?
We know how important these benchmarks are to our customers, and we know that there are a number of other KPIs they could use such insights on. As we continue to invest in this solution, we’ll look to add benchmarks for Outreach Stats (e.g. open & reply rates)!
If you’re new to Gem and/or interested in visualizing your recruiting KPIs side-by-side with peers, get in touch with a member of our team to learn more.
If you’re a Gem customer and want to learn more about how to get started or provide input on our next iteration, contact your customer success manager today!
Disclaimer: This report is for the sole benefit of our customers and is provided to inform them of how aspects of their recruiting performance compare to their peers, in a variety of dimensions. Nothing in these dashboards should be construed as legal advice. Companies who are concerned about legal risks associated with their recruiting and hiring practices are advised to consult with their attorneys.
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